It’s Really Not That Serious

During the course of my day, problems and difficult situations tend to get brought to my attention. Sometimes the problems directly concern me, but often that is not the case. Once a problem is put onto my plate, I begin to play out the potential outcomes and scenarios in my head and I start to […]
Finding Wellness and Balance in My New Normal

Prior to the pandemic my schedule was always full. After work I often had evening meetings several times each week. My weekends were also booked. If I didn’t have something scheduled on Saturday, I definitely had something scheduled on Sunday. There were multiple times when I was double and even tripled booked. Sometimes I would […]
Friends 101

I have often heard the phrase that “finding friends as an adult is hard” but is it? If we break it down, what has changed from making friends when you were in kindergarten to now? Are you being friendly? Are you finding similarities? Are you creating spaces to get to know each other? Do you […]
Shifting L’s to Lessons

As I am getting older I am trying to shift my perspective of loss. I always say everything happens for a reason but am I really living out that statement? I know I am not alone with being hyper focused on the mistakes, the failures and the negative situations that have happened in my life. […]
Let’s Talk About Settling

Hi friends. It is your friendly neighborhood home girl about to give you a message you probably don’t want to receive. Listen up buttercup and open your heart to this. Stop settling. Stop being miserable for the sake of “love” and familiarity. There are too many people, too many islands, too many restaurants, too many […]
Angry & Black

I am angry and disappointed but not surprised. Historically the Black community has had a taboo relationship with mental health. The shift has slowly happened where people have opened up the conversation about therapy and getting support. My relationship with therapy and mental health is a little different. Therapy has always been talked about in […]
Did You Try Shutting Up? It Can Help Your Mental Health.

If you know me, you know I like to talk. I like to voice my opinions. If you are Black, especially a Black woman in America, you might have been in these same situations. Situations where you advocated for yourself and others, situations where you “had to be” the speaker and let your voice be […]
9 Things I’ve Learned Since Being In My 30’s

1. Being alone is okay. Taking space away from friends and family is healthy. 2. Your time is precious…fill it with people and things that bring you joy and fill your cup 3. No is a full sentence. You don’t need an explanation for your decision to tap out. 4. Setting boundaries is scary and […]
No. (Is a Full Sentence)

If you have been noticing our posts have slowed down. That is very intentional. We are at a place of knowing when to pause and reflect. We don’t force creativity. If we don’t feel like doing a post for the blog we don’t and we when we want to rest we do. I learned at […]
Reflection Q’s

As 2020 comes to an end and 2021 approaches, we wanted to give you some questions to reflect on. We use these questions everyday to reflect on our life and our decisions. It has been very helpful this year. Is this bringing me joy? Am I setting an unrealistic timeline for myself? Do I need […]